
STAIT/IASC Leadership on AAP in Practice (Jan. 2017)

Post date Friday, 3 February, 2017 - 12:00
Document Type Manual/Guideline
Content Themes Accountability to Affected Populations
Sources Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC)
Filed under Accountability to Affected Populations and Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

This note sets out some practical steps that Humanitarian Coordinators (HCs) and Humanitarian Country Teams (HCTs) can take to ensure that accountability to affected people (AAP) guides humanitarian response. It builds on practical examples captured during a field mission to Iraq in August 2016 undertaken by the Senior Transformative Agenda Implementation Team (STAIT) and members of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) AAP and Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) Task Team. It also builds on elements from Nepal, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), South Sudan, and Sudan (Darfur)i and reflects current AAP technical guidance. However, there is unfortunately insufficient guidance for HCs/HCTs on what is a ‘collective AAP approach’ and what concrete steps they should take, or task others to take to make collective AAP a reality across operations. Practical advice specifically designed for HCs/HCTs on collective AAP approaches is therefore required.

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