
gFSC A Year in Review: 2017

Post date Tuesday, 24 April, 2018 - 14:05

2017 marks the first year of the Strategic Plan 2017-2019 and we would like to take this occasion to thank our cluster coordinators, information management officers, partners, associates and donors for their commitment to the global Food Security Cluster´s work over the past year. The infographic provides a snapshot of the global Food Security Cluster`s achievements during the implementation process of the gFSC Strategic Plan in 2017. It presents the highlights achieved under the four strategic results that are: Supporting Country Clusters in delivering against the six core cluster functions; enhanced partnerships and collaborative initiatives at the global level; advocacy, communication, resource mobilization and humanitarian systems policy; and programmatic coordination action.

In 2017, the global Food Security Cluster interacted with and provided support and guidance to some 30 in-country Food Security Clusters or related coordination structures. At gFSC supported main operations in Bangladesh, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, the Syrian Arab Republic and Yemen, food assistance was provided to over 25 million people and agriculture and livelihoods assistance to more than 15 million people, one third of which being reached through cash and voucher programmes. In total, it serves as a platform for over 1,700 partners at country level in all humanitarian contexts worldwide.

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