
global Food Security Cluster Annual Report 2016

Post date Friday, 3 March, 2017 - 19:06
Document Type Annual Report
Sources Food Security Cluster / Sector
Filed under gFSC Annual Reports

The humanitarian context in which the global Food Security Cluster (gFSC) and Country Clusters operated in 2016 remained challenging. The Annual Report 2016 highlights the progress made and the achievements of the global Food Security Cluster in the evolving global humanitarian environment. Over the past twelve months, the gFSC provided coordination solutions to 30 countries plus the Pacific Island Region (14 countries). The annual report describes how gFSC helped country-clusters to respond to the current humanitarian crises.


It also marks the end of the gFSC Strategic Plan 2015-16 and highlights the achievements against each of its six strategic results (Strengthened national clusters´ capacity; information management; operational and surge support; advocacy, communication and resource mobilization; partnerships; and learning and knowledge management). The Strategic Plan was the result of a consultative process with global partners and country-based Cluster Coordinators. The strategy strongly built on the recommendations that emerged from the Joint FAO/WFP Evaluation of the Food Security Cluster in 2014. Two years later, in 2016, the follow-up of the recommendations and Strategic Plan 2015-2016 revealed progress and impacts with regard to a number of aspects. One of the impacts was a more robust roster maintenance that led to quick and longer-term deployments of Cluster Coordinators and Information Management Officers in the countries. This ensured more effective coordination solutions. Another impact was more predictable funding, resulting in more stable cluster coordination teams at both global and country levels. An additional achievement was a more systematic support to country food security clusters and an increased leadership role played by governments in coordination, particularly in sudden-onset crises.

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