
gFSC 2012 Annual Report

Post date Wednesday, 5 June, 2013 - 11:58

The gFSC focused on five core areas of work during 2012:
1. Operational and Surge Support to National Clusters
2. Capacity Development
3. Tools and Guidance
4. Information Management
5. Advocacy

The Somalia food security cluster demonstrated that delivery of the core functions of the cluster occurs in extremely varied and complex emergencies situations in dealing with over 400 cluster partners. This is a model of how to achieve maximum results by demonstrating strong leaderships through the co-coordination and resources of WFP and FAO at the national level and fully engaging and increasing the leadership capacity of national and international NGO and partners at the sub-national levels.

In Afghanistan, the Food Security and Agriculture Cluster responsibilities for the coordination of partners is shared among the two lead agencies – WFP and FAO as well as with a large NGO partner, AfghanAid. This has highlighted the positive benefits achieved by sharing leadership roles between partners to improve the quality of such partnership, of advocacy and of shared information for a better response.

Partnership is at the core of the work of the gFSC. The gFSC has three levels of engagement: partners, observers and associates. Each of these partners, observers and associates of the gFSC are involved in technical areas. They are all responsible for keeping their colleagues updated on developments and are committed to encouraging their national focal points to participate in the national FSCs, regularly attend meetings and adhere to the guiding principles which are set out in the minimum commitments of global food security partners formulated in 2011.

Food Security Cluster 2012 Annual Report.pdf
PDF - 853.44 KB