Anticipatory Action WG

The purpose of the global Food Security Cluster (gFSC) Anticipatory Action WG (AA  WG) is to facilitate and support AA in the food security sector in close coordination with other clusters and relevant platforms. The AA TWG is a platform for members to discuss about AA in food security crisis, develop and share technical guidelines to improve the quality and timeliness of AA, implement the recommendations from global discussions  and relevant research, and provide technical support to country level clusters.

The Anticipatory Action Working Group focuses on three core objectives: 

  • To Undertake knowledge management, dissemination and advocacy activities and promote best practice, learning and innovation in agricultural responses 
  • To provide agricultural technical support to FSC members and Coordinators in the field  and to all Food Security cluster stakeholders for the enhancement of their in-country core coordination functions  

gFSC Focal point: Damien Joud -  


Matthias Amling (WHH)

Chiara Mellucci (FAO)

Christoph Baade (WFP)


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