Syria Cross-border HLG (NWS)

Syria Cross-border HLG (NWS)

iMMAP - Wheat to Bread Processing Facilities Mapping - Post-Earthquake Comparative Assessment Study in Northwest Syria - Q3 2023

Post date Tuesday, 28 November, 2023 - 09:03
Month(s) covered 2023-07, 2023-08, 2023-09
Document Type Assessment Report
Content Themes Food Security Cluster
Sources Food Security Cluster / Sector

Wheat to Bread Processing Facilities Mapping - Post-Earthquake Comparative Assessment Study in Northwest Syria – Quarter 3 2023.

Many thanks to all partners who participated in the data collection. The attached package includes:

  • Factsheets at the Governorate level.
  • Factsheets at the Sub-District level.
  • Wheat to Bread Processing Facilities Mapping - Post-Earthquake Comparative Assessment Study report.


This study, a collaborative effort with the NWS Bread and Bakery Technical Working Group (BBTWG), and iMMAP FSL unit, offers crucial insights into the bread production sector post the February 6th, 2023, earthquake.


Overview of the Report:

This study assessed the medium to long-term impact of the February earthquake on bread production facilities in NWS. It offers a detailed analysis of the current state of bread production, highlighting key challenges and requirements for facility rehabilitation.


Findings and Recommendations:

  • Operational Status: 87% of the bakeries assessed were operational, with non-operation primarily due to high operational costs and limited support.
  • Damages and Rehabilitation: The study categorized damages into total, severe, and partial, providing a clear picture of rehabilitation progress since the earthquake.
  • Support and Challenges: Bakeries reported various forms of support, including subsidized and free NGO bread production. Key challenges include the inconsistency of support, rising raw material costs, and insufficient financial resources.
  • Availability and Prices: Bread availability is consistent, but the average selling price of bread has increased since Q1 2023.
  • Flour Sources: A significant portion of the flour used is imported, with a smaller percentage being locally milled and fortified.
  • Recommendations include enhancing support mechanisms, addressing financial and raw material challenges, and improving operational efficiencies.
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